Litter is costly, unsightly and quickly growing out of control. And while stopping all littering is a lofty goal – it has to start somewhere.
Litter is costly, unsightly and quickly growing out of control. And while stopping all littering is a lofty goal – it has to start somewhere.
If you see litter, pick it up and dispose of it properly. You’ll be doing a good deed and helping Keep Savannah Clean. Don’t assume that someone else is going to pick up litter. Positive change starts with you.
Volunteers are needed to clean up historic neighborhoods, public areas and everywhere in between. With your help, we can significantly reduce litter in our community. If everyone in our community makes an effort, we can stop the costly and unsightly problem of litter and make Savannah even more beautiful.
Raising awareness about litter through public education is only possible through the generosity of individuals like you who care about our community.
Help us Keep Savannah Clean by contributing to the cause.
The Keep Savannah Clean campaign is made possible through a public-private partnership. This important investment by businesses in our community has helped make this campaign possible, but we still need your support. Contact us to find out more about how your company can help.