Keep Savannah CleanKeep Savannah Clean

By LitterCrew

Shame on SAV

#littercrew I support your initiative to clean SAV, but before “shaming” others make sure our “house is in order”! Overflowing trash cans are commonplace throughout town especially on the weekends when it seems the city employees are all off duty.

By LitterCrew

Litter in the Manatee Preserve

Timber Trail in Richmond Hill would be a pristine roadway were it not for the hundreds of Parkers styrofoam cups and meat snack wrappers. Many wash into Stirling creek, a federally recognized Manatee habitat. I have never seen a manatee in that tidal creek. Does styrofoam kill manatees? #LitterCrew

By LitterCrew

Cigarette Butts

“There’s plenty more where that came from!” #LitterCrew

1 18 19 20 21 22 33
Shame on SAV
Litter in the Manatee Preserve
Bathing Suit Liners
Cigarette Butts
Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club